sunnuntai 24. toukokuuta 2015

A little more mountain climbing

Tuesday May 19th I headed again to the Hampaturi area for some more climbing. I wanted to climb a 5500 meter peak between Serkhe Kollu and Hati Kollu. Unlike those two, this one doesn't appear on any climbing website, and it doesn't seem to have name according to online maps. I drove to the same spot from where I started the walk to Serkhe Kollu less than two weeks earlier. The drive felt a little nicer now because there was already light when I got to the dirt roads. From the road's end, instead of heading toward Serkhe, I headed to the right. First a little bit down, across a stream, and the it was a pretty steep slope; first grass, then sand, and higher stones and rocks. I had been suffering from a mild flu for a week and a half, but now I noticed for the first time that breathing heavier hurt a little bit in the lungs. It made me think of maybe doing something easier and shorter. So I went slow and soon felt better. After about 1hour 15minutes I reached the top of the hill or the mountain or the ridge. The other, shady side had plenty of snow, starting from about 4800 meters. I was at well over 5000. This area is all narrow valleys that have mountains on each side.

I put on boots and crampons and went down about 100 vertical meters to find easier terrain to get closer to the peak I wanted to climb, which looked like this from a little closer.

I was not on a glacier yet, so it felt safe. There was some fresh powder on top of the hard snow layers. But as I was not having my best day, I didn't feel very motivated and didn't have the energy, and slowly gave up on the idea of going over 5500m. So, instead, I just chose a nice slope to climb.
I was at 5300 meters. The views were pretty cool and I took some really good photos. 

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