torstai 7. helmikuuta 2013

Polveen tuli ongelma tiistaina kun olin radalla juoksemassa, eli taas piti kävellä puol tuntia kotiin kun ei pystyny juoksemaan! Eikohän taas viikon ainakin saa viettää ilman juoksemista, ja tällä kertaa ilman pyoräilyäkin. Sitten voisi katsoa ja koettaa, mutta kokemuksen mukaan voi sanoa että aika harvoin polven ongelmat on viikossa ohi. Muutamia kuukausia yleensä kestää mutta eihän tässä tiiä ja toivottavasti ois onnea tällä kertaa. Mutta eipä viiti pipoa kiristellä kun onhan tässä vaikka ainakin viistoista vuotta aikaa urheilla jos vaan jaksaa

On Tuesday I hurt my knee quite badly running on the HS track. Once again I had to walk 30 minutes home...might be wiser to always ride a bicycle to the track and start running while there, because so many times I am not able to run back home! Or maybe even drive, like normal people.
No idea what made the knee hurt but the next day walking was difficult, today was better other than the bicycle trip to the school and back which was actually painful. I guess at least one week swimming only- training is necessary but you never know...
Training went very well after I got over my cramping problems. Swimming times suddenly jumped close to where they were last spring and in the fall.
Also last week I rode my long cycling time trial course (it's out and back) 3,5 minutes faster than ever before which was encouraging.
 Riding back home though a  almost killed me. I waited at lights where there were two lanes going straight each way, and a middle lane for turning left where I was going to. First went the crossing traffic. Then the arrow for left turn turned green so I started moving (nobody ahead of me) and saw the vehicle that had waited opposite me moving and turning to its left like it was supposed to, but also a purple car with huge rims that had been next to it started going straight, coming straight at me! For about 0.01 seconds I thought it should slow down and let me go first because he made a big mistake, then in the next 0.01 seconds I realized he was only accelerating and that I could not stop quick enough but had to try a sprint to safety. Hells bells, that was the closes call for me being hit, ever! I think it is quite normal that when you are waiting at the stop lights and the lane on your left is the left turning lane, you react a little bit once the car on your left starts moving, but then you realize you can't go yet because they get the green light before you! But the guy who almost hit me just hit the gas and never had that second thought and obviously never looked up (I'm sure he was playing with his fancy iPhone) until some other driver or drivers made some noise. The heck, I don't think he even heard that.

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