tiistai 3. tammikuuta 2017

Another trip to Pico Italiano in July 2016

A few days after Illimani on July 23 I headed for Pico Italiano for the fourth time. This time my only goal was to look for my ice axes that I had lost there at about 5320 meters after a fall in April. I felt quite relaxed because I knew it was not going to take all day. Just wake up well before sunrise ( can't remember at what time), drive slowly to Huayna's base camp, walk the path a little bit and head to the big glacier without snow. Like I've written before, the mountains in Bolivia practically don't have any snow. They are in sad condition.

An icy slope lead me to where the ice axes should be. I went through a large area very carefully, and all that time I was afraid of rock falls. They are very common around there, I have seen it. Luckily just some small ice particles fell down, and small stones. I thought the ice axes could be found easily, but it took some time to find one. The other one was nowhere to be found but I was ok with just one.

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