tiistai 3. tammikuuta 2017


From the beginning of August I slowly took up sports again. In December 2015 and January 2016 I barely trained at all. Somehow I was in very good cycling form in the beginning of April and did two road races. Then again from mid-April until August I didn't really do anything.

In the beginning I did mostly just cycling but not much at all. Then started jogging and increasing hours on the bike. Still the training was very modest but I participated in cycling races. I think in October I started doing occasional hard running workouts, and sometimes I was able to log in  quite decent training weeks. Sometime in November I started swimming 2 or 1 times a week . In December cycling fitness started to be really good and running was ok. In total I did 8 cycling races between August and December 11th. Swimming is still slow. So for the whole year I totaled 10 cycling races, but no running races or triathlons. Finding time for training is not easy when you work 45 hours a week and need 3 hours to do a 1 hour swim workout and five hours if you go and do a good track workout after the swim. It's not very sustainable especially if something comes up and you have to do something extra like taking care of some paperwork or go to the dentist or doctor.

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